

Artist Bio

Amber Renee and Graham Marsh have become fixated on one thing-- finding joy in little moments. As CLAVVS, they’ve shifted their former goal of making subversive pop songs to one that simultaneously facilitates and reflects their own growth. And in doing so, they’ve embraced their flaws to reinvent themselves entirely.

“The question became, how do we make CLAVVS songs that we can dance to and smile to?” Amber says. “We really wanted to challenge ourselves to make something we had never made before, something that, for a long time, didn’t feel at home to us. We didn’t know how to write happy songs that felt genuine.”

But as it turns out, they grew from the challenge. With their new single “Dance in Place” CLAVVS have certainly found a home in the indie dance space. Featuring catchy horn melodies, Graham’s playful bongos, and Amber’s warm, layered vocals, “Dance in Place” feels joyous but not at all saccharine.

“‘It’s basically an invitation to choose yourself in every moment. It’s a criticism of capitalism. It’s a call for radical self acceptance and joy,” offers Amber. “Once, I wanted to write songs that could change the world around me, but now I look back and laugh at myself. I want to write songs that change me.”

“We aren’t taking ourselves very seriously anymore,” says Graham. “We just want to have fun with our band.”






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